Contact us for inquriy
We are not interested in and will not reply to solicitations
1. Coming from private persons
2. Coming from companies or persons acting on a mandate, as an agent, broker or any other intermediary
3. Coming from companies with no prior experience in international oil/chemical market
4. Originating from public email systems (Yahoo!, Google Mail, etc)
5. Mentioning volumes or parcel sizes not normally traded
We will not reply to any emails that we in our sole opinion consider detrimental to our business, including but not limited to proposals that are fraudulent, not made in good faith or violating laws of any country within which GTAC LIMITED acts. If you have not received a reply, please
check your e-mail message against the above guidelines.
*If you are contacting us through a referral from someone who knows someone from our company, please be sure to include in your email the full name of the person who connected or referred you, as well as the date and time of the connection.
Thank you for considering a message to GTAC LIMITED.
Please understand that, because of the number of emails we receive, we cannot guarantee a personal reply to all requests.
Please contact us from here only if you have read and agreed to all the points mentioned above.